How You can Become Politically Involved in College

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It’s never too early to get involved in politics. Knowing what’s going on in the world around you can help you connect with other students, build your community, and make a great impression when you start interviewing for jobs. Getting involved is easy, so get ready to sign up at your school and get involved.

Voter Registration is Important

If you are in college and not registered to vote, it’s time to head over to city hall and correct that. You can sign up at the local Department of Motor Vehicles in many states, or you can check with your campus student activities office about registering to vote. If you have friends who aren’t registered, encourage them to get involved. Your voice will never be heard if you don’t march to the polls on election day and cast your ballot, so get registered now.

Offer to Drive Friends to the Polls

As a college student, getting to the polls on election day can be a little challenging. If you have transportation, you can help fellow students by taking them to the polls. Even if you don’t have a car, you can still help by publishing local bus schedules and routes. Just knowing how to get to the polls can be enough to encourage people to get out and vote.

Debates are Healthy and American

It doesn’t matter which side of the political fence you fall on, debates are healthy and smart. Whether you attend a presidential debate to hear the candidates, or take the time to attend a mayoral debate in your home town, it’s vital that you get involved by hearing from both sides of the aisle. You can also have a party where everyone will watch a televised debate and then have a discussion about it.

Volunteer Your Time

From mayors to governors and presidents, most candidates rely on volunteers to drive their campaign and help them get into office. You could go door to door talking to people or make phone calls to help spread your candidate’s message. It will take some of your time, but it’s a great way to see the other side of the political process. It also looks impressive on a resume because it shows your organizational skills and passion.

Official Memberships

Most colleges have politically based organizations you can join. Whether you want to join the College Democrats of America, the College Republican National Committee or one of the smaller party organizations, it’s a great way to learn more about the party of your choice, get involved, and help get the message out.

Stay Informed

Purchase a subscription to the local newspaper, and sign up for daily updates with your favorite news station. From blogs about politics to the morning news on TV, it’s important to stay current with political activities around the world. From the latest scandals to the important bills moving through the halls of Congress, staying informed is a big part of getting involved.

You are never too young to get involved in politics. While you cannot vote until you are 18, it’s never too early to start keeping up with current events. Once in college, you can take a more active role by getting people to the polls, volunteering with your favorite candidate, and getting other students involved in watching debates. You might even decide to major or minor in political science if you discover that you want to take a more active stand.

Judith Greene blogs about political activities for students on college campuses. If you are interested in politics, you may want to apply to a masters political management program.
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