Are You a Part of the “Boomerang” Generation? Sometimes That’s Okay!

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There’s a phenomenon sweeping the nation much to the chagrin of parents. It’s called the “boomerang” phenomena, and it happens when adult children move back home. There are times when moving back home with your parents is acceptable and times when it isn’t. If you’re an adult child who is considering moving home, here’s how to know when it’s a good idea and when it’s simply the wrong choice:

When It’s Okay to Move Home

Your Parents Need Your Help:

If your parents are in failing health, it is more than acceptable to move home to help them out. Whether you move home to be the primary caregiver or just to offer a bit of assistance, it is always okay to help the people who brought you into this world.

You’re Going to School:

If you are going to college, either on campus or online, moving back home is acceptable. Living at home while you are in school can save you money on rent and utilities. Living at home will allow you to use the money you save to pay your tuition and avoid racking up student loan debt. Do make sure that you at least offer to stock the fridge now and again.

You’re Saving for a Home:

If you’re sick of paying rent for an apartment that will never be yours, moving back in with your parents can afford you the opportunity to save money for a down payment on your own home. The more money you can save for your down payment, the less you will spend on monthly mortgage payments.

You’re Job Hunting:

If you’ve just graduated and are looking for a job, it makes more sense to live with your parents than to rent your own apartment. Should you find a job that causes you to relocate, you don’t want to be tied into a year-long lease on an apartment or condo.

When It’s Not Okay to Move Home

You’re Looking for a Free Ride:

If you are under the mistaken impression that your parents were put on this earth to support you, you need to carefully rethink your values. It is no longer reasonable to expect your parents to carry you once you’ve graduated from college.

You’re Not Ready to Live on Your Own:

Are you considering staying at home with your parents because you think you aren’t ready to live on your own? Your unwillingness to grow up and take responsibility for yourself is not a valid reason for living with mom and dad. We all have to grow up sometime and your time is now!

Your Parents Can’t Let Go:

Some parents truly have a difficult time letting their adult children leave. If you are thinking of staying home, or returning home, out of a sense of guilt, don’t do it. Your parents will make the adjustment eventually and come to realize that you have your own life to live.

Living with mom and dad makes sense for some adult children. In fact, it can be one of the wisest decisions that a child makes. If you’re going back to school, looking for a job or saving for your own home, moving back in with your parents can give you the opportunity to meet your goals. There’s nothing wrong with living under your parents’ roof if there’s an end in sight!

Rosemary Henderson is a freelance blogger with an adult son living at home with her. If you're looking to move back home, Rosemary recommends taking the opportunity to go to graduate school for the best online mba program you can find.