6 Things You'll Need to Do to Prepare Your Kids for a Trip Overseas

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Embarking on a trip to overseas—whether it's Asia, South America, or Africa—is an exciting prospect for families. It will give children a chance to explore new cultures, languages and cuisines. However, it is important that parents realize how to prepare for such a trip. There are several health-related aspects to consider as well as things that will affect their happiness on the trip. Consider each of the following things when preparing for your family adventure.

1. Catch Up On Any Outstanding Vaccinations

It is important that children have received all of their needed vaccinations before visiting leaving. Booster shots for things like Hepatitis A, B or C might be necessary. It will up to the parents and their family physician to decide if additional shots for tetanus or Polio are needed. It will depend on where you plan to travel as well as the length of your stay.

2. Bring Along a Customized First Aid Kit

Speak to your doctor about what should be included in your first aid kit. Start with all the basics like bandages, antibiotic ointment and gauze. You should also include nausea medications, pain relievers and possibly even antibiotics to treat traveler's diarrhea.

3. Create a Snack Bag For Emergencies

Although having a healthy snack may not be a medical issue, it can help your children on long plane rides, train rides or while waiting in long lines at customs in the airport. If you are traveling to rural areas, your children might not be familiar with the cuisine. In these cases, a few nonperishable snacks might make all the difference. Bring nutrient and calorie dense granola bars or trail mix that will stand up well to high temperatures.

4. Check Your Current Health Insurance Policy

It is very important that your medical needs are covered when you are abroad. Some extensive health insurance policies cover travel outside of the country, but many do not. If your existing policy is not sufficient, invest in a travel insurance policy that covers yourself and your children for the duration of the trip.

5. Seek Out Potential Healthcare Providers in Your Destination

In the event of a medical emergency while on your vacation, parents should know in advance how to reach the nearest doctor and how to find a physician who can speak English. Look online to find a doctor in each of the destinations you plan to visit, and keep their phone numbers with you at all times.

6. Teach Your Children Some Basic Phrases

If you are visiting a country where English is not commonly spoken, consider teaching your children a few phrases before you arrive. Simple phrases like where is the bathroom or thank you are helpful, but consider teaching them to ask for a doctor as well in case there is an emergency.
Although there is plenty of excitement that goes into planning a family trip overseas, it is also important that you are adequately prepared for any event that might take place. These tips will ensure that you and your children are ready for the adventure of a lifetime.

Diane Magruder is a hotel and resort reviewer and, while she's in between destinations, blogs for Thailand Holidays.net where you can get all inclusive honeymoon packages in Thailand.