5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Security System For Your Business

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Just like there are many reasons to have a security system for a residential home, there are many advantages to choosing a security system for a business. A security system will act as a deterrent for thieves, can protect your inventory or supplies, will give your employees a feeling of safety and can even reduce your company insurance rates in the long run. When it comes to choosing the right security system for your business, the options can be overwhelming. Here are five things to consider when selecting the perfect security system for your business.

1. Start With Door and Window Sensors

For many businesses, a big threat is theft. After all, a large warehouse that gets broken into could lose thousands or even millions of dollars in supplies, and a large office could lose all of their electronic equipment and computers. Even the most basic business security systems should include door and window sensors that alert the company or an individual when opened. If you get nothing else, get this for your business.

2. Consider Video Surveillance

If you have a larger company with staff entering and exiting regularly, or if you have employees who work night shifts, then video surveillance becomes an option to consider. Keep in mind that the United States Department of Commerce has found that employee dishonesty and fraud results in a net loss for businesses of over 50 billion dollars annually. Protect your company's assets with interior surveillance, and also give your employees peace of mind if they have to work alone or at odd hours.

3. Determine Which Crimes Are Most Common in the Area

Different areas have different crime levels, and every business is different. A large warehouse full of wood may not be an spot where robbers are likely to try to steal cash, but it could be an easy target for vandalism. Speak with security professionals in order to determine what the big risks are for your area and how you can prevent crimes. Think about whether you are most interested in protecting against arson, cash theft, employee dishonesty or violent crimes, and then determine whether motion sensor lights, window sensors or video surveillance is going to be most effective.

4. Add in Lighting Where Necessary

Darkness is a cover for many crimes, and it can actually encourage thieves and robbers to target your business. Adding in lighting can be a cost-effective way to discourage theft. Says security expert Matt Rowley, "Motion sensor lights are one of the cheapest parts of a security system, but they are one of the most effective." Also add in permanent flood lights where possible.

5. Decide How to Monitor the Security and Surveillance

Monitoring your surveillance system is important, but it can also be a big job. If you have a large business, it may be worth hiring security staff to monitor it during the nights, or you can check cameras and live feed periodically from a business computer or even from your own mobile device.

Research by the Federal Bureau of Investigations in the United States shows that a business with a monitored security system is a staggering four times less likely to be burglarized that one without a security system at all. Use these tips to choose the best possible security system for your own business.

Connie Glaubitz is a guest writer for www.securitysystems.net, a site she recommends if you're looking into home security prices.