Life After College: Five Ways to Shorten the Post-Grad Job Search

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a business suit & an intense view.
Whether you're a recent college graduate or still have a year or two left to complete your degree, chances are you've heard horror stories about the abysmal state of the economy and the utter dearth of decent-paying jobs available to new college graduates. While it's true that earning a degree from a four-year university no longer guarantees you a prestigious information-economy job right out of the gate, that piece of paper is still worth something. Keep the following tips in mind as you embark on your post-graduate job search and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

1. Don't Panic

As a recent college graduate, you must remember that the bulk of your life lies ahead of you. Your post-graduation years are the perfect time to discover what works and what doesn't. Don't be afraid to take a low-paying, non-traditional, or full-time internship job while you look for better opportunities. If you work hard and prove your worth to your superiors, it may lead to advancement, at which point you'll no longer need to worry about the job search.

2. Bulk Up Your Resume

Your resume is your opportunity to make a first impression to prospective employers. Make sure it looks better than the competition's by adding the following.
  • A personal statement, which should tell convey in three sentences or less your career goals, previous accomplishments, and key attributes.
  • Professional references, preferably from previous employers or college professors.
  • A selective employment history that excises work irrelevant to the job for which you're currently applying.

3. Hone Your Interview Skills

Plenty of recent college grads have terrible interview skills. Differentiate yourself from the pack by practicing eye contact in front of the mirror or with a partner, maintaining positive body language, and anticipating common questions with succinct answers. To back up your "strength and weakness" assertions, it also helps to have a reserve of memorized anecdotes about your previous achievements.

4. Cultivate Your Network

It's who you know, right? Well, not all the time -- what you've done is more important than ever these days. But any recent college graduate in their right mind maintains a network of personal and professional references upon which they can draw at a moment's notice. Keep your contact list up-to-date, arrange for multiple letters of recommendation from past professors and associates, and attend networking events to keep in touch with these folks.

5. Find Your Ideal Employer

Desperate college graduates often forget that the job search is a two-way street that is even more about figuring out what type of employer you want to work for than it is about making an employer want you to work for them. With this in mind, compile a non-specific list of attributes that your ideal employer would possess: honesty, transparency, sales growth, and whatever else. This will focus your mind during the job search, helping you winnow out sketchy companies with uncertain future prospects.

Keep these five tips in mind as you begin the post-grad job search process. Don't expect your dream job to fall in your lap, but a little perseverance will serve you well. With the right attitude and a well-organized network, you may even shorten the typical period of post-graduate unemployment that your peers dread so much!

Regina Johnson teaches, writes and lives in New Jersey. She writes for where you can find more information on top online mba programs.