How to Avoid Car Theft and Robbery

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Driver side car break-in, Safeguard anti-theft notice with broken glass, so much for Toyota Security, all thief had to do is break the window, Llandover Park, North Seattle, Washington, USA

A stolen or vandalized car can be a headache for many individuals and their families. While there are few things an individual can do after his or her car is stolen, there are several preventative measures that can reduce the risk of car theft. The following guide provides simple tips and tricks for avoiding car theft.


It's important to be aware of one's surroundings when parking a car. A car that is parked in a secluded or unlighted area is at a higher risk of theft. Never park a vehicle in an area that is far away from other cars. While this may be unavoidable in rural areas, one should try to avoid secluded parking spots in a city. This can include parking spots behind a building, in an alley, on an empty street and other locations where there aren't other cars or people.

In addition, it's important to make sure that there is proper security near a parking spot. Proper security doesn't mean that one has to park next to a police station. Instead, it's a good idea to park where a vehicle can be seen by a surveillance camera. This surveillance camera can be for a fast food restaurant, discount store or other commercial entity. If a criminal understands that he or she is being filmed, there is a reduced risk of theft or vandalism.

It's also important to make sure a vehicle blends in with other cars in a parking lot. A very expensive vehicle can be prone to theft. In addition, a very low-end vehicle can be prone to theft too. Since police are less likely to investigate the loss of a low-value car, criminals will often target these models for theft.


Never leave valuables in a car. This includes wallets, keys, cell phones, music players, stereos and other high-value goods. It's also important to avoid leaving any indications that there might be valuables in a car.

For example, many people listen to music in their cars through a smart phone or mp3 player. Many modern vehicles allow an individual to hook up a music player through an auxiliary port in a dash. It's critical to avoid leaving this auxiliary cable visible. While a person will probably take their music player or phone with them when they leave a car, criminals will still try to break in and look for them.

In addition, many GPS navigation systems are designed to stick on a windshield. While hiding the GPS unit can be a good strategy, the mount will usually leave a circular mark on a windshield. It's a good idea to wipe this mark away before leaving a car parked. Criminals can use this circular mark to determine if a vehicle has a GPS system inside.

Tracking Systems

In some cases, a vehicle tracking system can be a good way to recover a car after theft. When looking for a vehicle tracking system, it's important to find one that provides good security at a reasonable cost. In addition, the tracking system should be very discrete. A visible system may be removed by a savvy criminal.

It's important to combine different techniques when securing a vehicle. Since a criminal will often look for vehicles that meet a certain standard, it's important to ensure a vehicle maintains a low profile. In addition, it's a good idea to have a comprehensive automobile insurance policy. This can help cover the cost of replacing stolen valuables in the event of a break-in. Some policies can also assist with the recovery costs of a stolen vehicle.
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