How to Manage College While Pregnant: Planning is Key to Success

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Embarking on the path to higher education will require sacrifices of anyone. Graduation requires good grades, and those grades are wholly dependent on getting enough study time, which takes time away from other activities including work. College costs money, and the money has to come from somewhere, whether wholly from grants and loans or from part time work.

Pregnancy, intended or not, will require sacrifice. The costs to physical and emotional stamina are only the beginning. There are also appointments with health providers that must be kept. Pregnancy classes can make a huge difference in stress levels, but they too require time and money. Eating a nutritious diet and getting enough exercise are further commitments mom must make to reduce the risk of complications.

Combining pregnancy and college may seem like an impossible challenge at first, but there are ways to make it easier. Some aspects of college life will even help out during pregnancy. Since college is all about increasing your standing in the work world, getting through both will be a major accomplishment and allow you to provide better as a mother. A few tips can make the journey easier.

Scaling Back

If there are core classes left on your curriculum, it is definitely worthwhile to consider transferring to a community college for the duration of the pregnancy, as well as cutting back on hours. Federal financial aid requires only a half-time commitment, which is six credit hours. The first two years of any university education can usually be replicated at a community college at lower cost and reduced demands on study time.

Online classes can also help. Check the online listings, because the benefits of this style during pregnancy can be extremely helpful. The hassle and cost of transportation are reduced, there is no worry about having an over-active bladder interfere with lectures, and learning can be adapted to your schedule. If the material is too difficult, most community colleges offer tuition-inclusive tutoring services.

Adapt to Limitations

Forgetfulness is one of the most common symptoms during pregnancy. This means extra effort will be required in making note of due dates, schedules and doctor appointments. It may also require writing down basic things, like a check list for vitamins and exercise schedule. Be sure to keep organizational materials in a predictable place!

Making Use of College Resources

College tuition costs cover much more than the cost of classes. They typically include access to gym facilities, medical services, and counseling. The first stop should be the counselor, as they will be point you toward other resources and help out with forms, such as the college health insurance policy.
College requires planning ahead and so does pregnancy. Pregnancy classes can help with anticipating changes as baby grows, as well as by providing stress reduction techniques. Use the resources available and reduce the class load to accommodate current and future limitations. Pregnancy during college can be managed, but it requires careful planning and willingness to sacrifice for success.

Tanya Mitchell is a part time writer and nurse researching different masters of science in nursing online programs that will fit her needs.