5 Advanced Tips to Help You Become a Fantastic Driver

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Would you consider yourself a good driver? Do you obey the rules of the road? Do you drive the speed limit, know how to drive in reverse and parallel park with the best of them? If so, you can safely consider yourself among the elite drivers in the nation. If you’re already a good driver, why not turn yourself into a fantastic driver? With these advanced driving tips, you can go from a ho-hum, ordinary driver into one that handles a vehicle like a pro.

1. Hand Position Did you know that how you hold the steering wheel can have an effect on your driving? When you were in driver’s education, your instructor was adamant that your hands be placed at ten and two. New knowledge tells us that ten and two is not the optimum hand position. Students are now being taught to place their hands at nine and three. In any case, now that you’ve grown up, it’s time to move your hands! For hand position on the steering wheel, it’s still easiest to think of a clock face. When taking sharp, right-hand turns, place your right hand at one and your left hand at seven. For sharp left-hand turns, place your left hand at 11 and your right hand at five.

2. Steering If you have power steering in your vehicle, like the majority of the population, chances are very high that you let the wheel slip back through your hands after you’ve made a turn. While this works perfectly for the average driver, your aim is to rise above the average! Practice holding onto the wheel when you’re coming out of a turn. You’ll be surprised at how much control you maintain over your vehicle by this one little maneuver.

 3. Changing Gears If you drive a vehicle with a manual transmission, you may be gearing down when you want to slow. Many adults learned to drive manuals in this manner. With today’s breaking systems it is no longer necessary to gear down when approaching a corner, turn or stop light. When approaching a corner or turn, don’t gear down until you are ready to accelerate. When approaching a stop sign or light, simply pop your car into neutral and break to a stop.

Re-learn to Drive

4. Braking Advanced drivers know that proper braking techniques require practice. Rather than stomping down on your brakes at the last minute, squeeze the brakes progressively to maintain proper weight balance and vehicle stability. It’s not to say that you can’t stand on the brakes when you need to stop suddenly, you absolutely can. When it comes to every day braking situations, progressive braking is better for your vehicle.

 5. Acceleration It’s a little known fact that you will accelerate more quickly if you do so progressively rather than stomping on the accelerator. Much like progressive braking, progressive accelerating ensures that weight is distributed evenly across the vehicle, allowing it to move forward at a quicker pace. Accelerating too quickly will do nothing but have you spinning your wheels. If you think that you’re a great driver, it’s time to learn the skills that will make you a fantastic one. By practicing these five skills, you’ll quickly surpass other drivers on the road when it comes to skill and ability.

 Christopher Jensen is a writer and car enthusiast offering advice on how to get an auto insurance quotes comparison while searching for New Jersey auto insurance.