Top 10 Places to Visit

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1. Great Barrier Reef, Australia
The world's largest coral reef is also one of its most threatened destinations. The reef is a place that will fill you with wonder on seeing its breathtaking beauty. An ability to dive will be an added advantage as you can see the real abundance of marine life in its true form.

2. Santorini, Greece

Santorini is perhaps the first place that springs to mind whenever you think of Greece. The island is a paradise for the sight with the deep blue waters, dazzling white houses and a panoramic view make it a delightful escapade. Hard to believe that it was a deadly volcano that resulted in the crescent shape of the island

3. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

This is another of the many wonders of the world that continue to astonish us. The excellence of architecture and mystery surrounding its past make it the perfect place to add to your wishlist. It contains of three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis. It is also the only surviving one from the Seven Ancient Wonders list. When going visiting the pyramids, it is advisable to go in the mornings as it is quite likely that too many people turn up before you resulting which, you will be denied entry into the pyramids.

4. The Grand Canyon, Arizona

The Grand Canyon is not one of those places where you just stand and admire the beauty around you. This famed place has a lot to offer to the backpacker in you which includes hikes, boat rides or rafting across the Colorado river, mule rides to the Phantom ranch, etc.

5. Great Salt Lake, Utah

'America's Dead Sea' is actually a remnant of the prehistoric Lake Bonneville that has been landlocked. Being around the Salt Lake, you can witness the most exotic sunsets ever with distinctly different hues engulfing the sky. Kayaking (canoeing) across the lake is a worthwhile experience as it allows you to see areas that you wouldn't come across otherwise.

6. Pamukkale, Turkey

Pamukkale, meaning cotton castle, rightly gives the impression of being a landscape made out of cotton. The site contains calcium-laden waters that flow through it. The calcium rocks hold pools of water flowing down from the mountain Cal Daa Western Anatolia. The water is said to have healing properties which is one key aspect that drive people to visit it. Rumour has it that Cleopatra had once bathed in these natural pools.

7. Petra, Jordan

Jordan's most prized possession without a doubt, Petra is a unique city created by the Nabateans, the ancient people of Jordan, by carving natural rock. This wonder is a major tourist attraction and give tourists the freedom to explore the place at their own will. The more interesting part of the site is that, it was featured in the 1989 Hollywood film 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade'.

8. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat, a temple built in the early 12th century has fast become one of the greatest tourist places around the world due to its complex architecture, especially inside the temple. Walking through the monument can be a difficult task owing its confusing mix of chambers, porches, stairways and galleries. The challenge that the ancient monument presents, along with its significance in religious history, this place ranks high for adventure-seeking travellers.

9. Vatican Museums, Rome

The Vatican Museum is a place seeped in history. Its collection of art pieces goes back to 500 years ago. Visiting a place that houses revered works of Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Filipo Lippi and Caravaggio isn't that bad a deal. Standing there, looking at some of the most defining art pieces of history, will definitely be one of the most enriching experiences of your life.

10. The Great Wall of China, China

Be a part of history by visiting this incredible man-made wonder. Built and rebuilt approximately two thousand years ago to secure the Chinese nation against foreign invasion, this tourist attraction never disappoints its visitors. Stretching upto 8,851 kilometres, the Great Wall is a sight to behold and seeing it with your own eyes is way better than how the history books explained them.
