No Pants Subway Ride

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THOUSANDS of people around the world have stripped down to their underpants for the annual No Pants! Subway Ride.

Commuters from more than 22 cities, including New York, Barcelona and London, braved freezing conditions in a bid to bare their flesh.

The ninth annual event organised by Improv Everywhere featured everything from bikini-style undies to male thongs.

Fellow train riders on busy subways trains in New York seemed to take it all in their stride as people in jeans, skirts and trousers were soon whipped off.

But they didn't get it all their own way.

Some New York participants were met by protesters waiving banners encouraging people not to strip. But chants from the crowd soon persuaded the protesters to take off their pants.

Improv Everywhere performs pranks around the world which they call "missions" in public places using flash mobs.
